Monday, April 19, 2010

The myth

Oh the fallacy that the liberal left is against war continues to this day. It rears it uninformed head again here:

Do we forget about Wilson, FDR, Kennedy and LBJ. And don't forget about all those protesters like the ones we saw in Pitt last year.

One one group has been consistently anti war through all these years and it's the libertarian groups, and they are decidedly "right wing" at the moment.

Liberals and Progressives (of both parties) are responsible for all of our interventionist acts in the past 100+ years. What we are told is that the Progressive Socialists are against war, when their actions throughout history are the exact opposite. You see the Progressive Liberal/Socialist seeks to use government to protect/enlighten/force people to do what is best for the collective. (Only they call it the public good)

It seems that Beck might actually be shedding his blind faith in the military industrial complex. Only time will tell if he is serious or not. But the truth at the moment is that our Progressive Liberal president continues the same foreign policy plan of the last sixty years. Sure some of the rhetoric is different, but we still find ourselves in Iraq, we have expanded actions in Afghanistan, we are posturing to take on Iran and we still have over 700 military bases around the world. I fail to see where there is any substantive difference.

Isn't it time to stop mortgaging our country to nation build?

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